How Do Animals Use Water 3rd Grade

All resources below are freely available for download. If an editable version is needed, please contact Marta Toran ( The 5E lesson plan contains instructions to all the activities and explanations of how they fit together. 

  • "How do Animals Use Water?"- Complete 5E Lesson Plan for 3rd Grade
    • Hydrology Field Notes student handout can be used for students to record observations in nearby streams. Recommended: TDS meter (see below).
    • Water You Learning -A student handout that can be used as a formative assessment to summarize the hydrology field experience from the previous activities. 
    • Is Your Family Water Smart?- Activity to collect data and reflect on family water use habits. Intended to promote water conservation awareness. 
    • Water You Up To?- Crossword about water and soil terms, great for review or as an extension for stuednts who finish one of the other activities quickly. 
    • Common NC Stream Invertebrate Cards- perfect for printing out, laminating and taking down to the stream. Includes identification of stream insects as bioindicators. 
    • Marine vs Freshwater Animal Cards- set of cards with 12 marine animals and 12 freshwater animals. Can we used for discussions, concept sorting, pre-knowledge checks, reviewing... See the Explore phase of the 5E for more details on how to use them.
The images below feature some of the activities included in this module. 




Teacher Tip:


Some of the activities in this module call for students measuring salinity of different water samples. These are simple digital meters that measure temperature and total dissolved solids. Eventhough not technically the same as salinity, TDS values are good indicators of salinity levels. They can be purchased for less than $15.